NPTEL Air Pollution and Control Week 2 Assignment Answers | Air Pollution and Control week 2 Assignment Solution

Air Pollution and Control Week 2 Assignment

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Why is albedo a significant concern in climatology?

  • A) It influences global wind patterns
  • B) It directly increases greenhouse gas emissions
  • C) It reduces atmospheric oxygen levels
  • D) A decrease in albedo increases heat absorption, causing ice to melt
The correct answer is D.

What happens when soot enters the atmosphere?

  • A) It reflects sunlight, cooling the air
  • B) It absorbs sunlight and generates heat, warming the air
  • C) It mixes with clouds to form rain
  • D) It increases the albedo of the Earth's surface
The correct answer is B.

How does soot affect snow and ice after being deposited?

  • A) It reduces their albedo, absorbing more sunlight
  • B) It increases their albedo, reflecting more sunlight
  • C) It has no significant impact on snow and ice
  • D) It accelerates the formation of glaciers
The correct answer is A.

In water bodies, which gas can be depleted by eutrophication?

  • A) CO2
  • B) SO2
  • C) O2
  • D) CO
The correct answer is C.

Which of the following is NOT a type of marine aerosol?

  • A) Sea salt
  • B) Sulfate aerosol
  • C) Mineral dust
  • D) Methane gas
The correct answer is D.

What is the approximate size of jet drops compared to their precursor bubble diameter?

  • A) 50%
  • B) 25%
  • C) 10%
  • D) 5%
The correct answer is C.

Select the incorrect pair based on the particle size of the particulate matter.

  • A) Dust - 1 to 200 µm
  • B) Smoke - 0.01 to 1 µm
  • C) Fumes - 0.1 to 1 µm
  • D) Mist - greater than 1 µm
The correct answer is D.

____________ is one of the processes of movement of gases and liquids (fluids) to transfer heat between regions of different temperatures.

  • A) Advection
  • B) Convection
  • C) Diffusion
  • D) Dispersion
The correct answer is B.

What is the primary role of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the troposphere?

  • A) Control the atmospheric lifetime of gases
  • B) Absorb UV radiation
  • C) Cause acid rain
  • D) Act as a greenhouse gas
The correct answer is A.

Which of the following phenomena is responsible for transferring the heat energy from the tropics to the poles to create atmospheric circulation?

  • A) Conduction
  • B) Convection
  • C) Advection
  • D) Pyrolysis
The correct answer is C.
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