NPTEL Air Pollution and Control Week 1 Assignment Answers | Air Pollution and Control week 1 Assignment Solution

Air Pollution and Control Week 1 Assignment

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Match List-I (Air pollution events/accidents) with List-II (Year) and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List I (Air pollution events/accidents)

  • A. Donora, Pennsylvania
  • B. Los Angeles smog
  • C. Bhopal Gas Tragedy
  • D. Vapour Cloud Explosion

List II (Year)

  • 1. 1984
  • 2. 1948
  • 3. 1954
  • 4. 2009
  • A) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
  • B) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
  • C) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-4
  • D) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-1
The correct answer is A.

Which of the following fuels was banned by King Edward-I of England in 1307?

  • A) Wood
  • B) Coal
  • C) Both coal and wood
  • D) Fossil fuel
The correct answer is B.

The lithosphere includes:

1. Crust

2. Uppermost mantle

3. Water over the earth

4. Water beneath the earth

Select the correct combination:

  • A) 1, 2, 3
  • B) 2, 3
  • C) 1, 2
  • D) 1, 4
The correct answer is C.

How can chemical transformation affect air pollutants?

  • A) By neutralizing them
  • B) By forming secondary pollutants
  • C) By making them harmless
  • D) By increasing their density
The correct answer is B.

What are Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) primarily found in?

  • A) Water and air
  • B) Coal and tar sediments
  • C) Vegetation
  • D) Natural gas
The correct answer is B.

Forest fires contribute to the presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment because they involve:

  • A) Incomplete combustion of organic matter
  • B) Complete combustion of trees
  • C) Chemical reactions in the soil
  • D) Evaporation of water vapor
The correct answer is A.

Which of the following is the short-term effect of dioxin on humans?

  • A) Vomiting
  • B) Coughing
  • C) Dark spots and lesions on the skin
  • D) Throat irritation
The correct answer is C.

Which of the following pollutants is NOT mentioned as causing organ toxicity in animals?

  • A) Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • B) Nitrous oxide (N₂O)
  • C) Ammonia (NH₃)
  • D) Mercury
The correct answer is B.

What is a major stressor to biodiversity caused by air pollution?

  • A) Excess deposition of airborne nitrogen in the form of ammonia
  • B) Carbon dioxide emissions
  • C) Ozone layer depletion
  • D) Acid rain
The correct answer is A.

As a preservative coating on the building surface, materials used like acrylic copolymers and siloxanes because of their ___________ film-forming properties.

  • A) Good cohesion
  • B) Good adhesion
  • C) Weak cohesion
  • D) Weak adhesion
The correct answer is B.
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