
NPTEL Soft Skills Week 4 Assignment Solution



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1. ______ is one of the five C’s that hampers the right attitude of communication.



2. Who said it about culture and communication, ‘Culture is a code…. Communication requires coding and symbols that must be learned and shared”? ___________.

 Matthew Arnold in ‘Culture and Anarchy'

 Alfred Smith in ‘Communication and Culture’

3. BATNA, WATNA and ZOPA are related to ____________ skills.



4. The most acknowledged style for a successful negotiation is ______.



5. People from ____________ use poetic language in dealing with the customer.



6. We should move from ethno-centrism to ________.



7. What is the full form of BATNA?

 Best Agreement Technique for negotiation and Agreement

 Best Arrangement Technique for negotiation and adoption

 Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

 Best Acquisition Technique for Navigation and Advancement

8. What does organizational communication represent?




 All of the above

9. Which among the following is not an element of culture?





10. On the negotiating table you should ____.

 strictly follow the planning that you made before the negotiation

 be prepared for the unprepared condition

 ask the negotiator to cancel the negotiation

 all of the above

11. If you find that a deadlock during the negotiation, then how will you handle it?

 I will become confrontational

 I will explain the consequences.

 I will use the ethical aspect of the agreement.

 Both B&C

12. Why does learning about cultures becomes essential for a professional in an


 It deviates the professional from the given target.

 It helps in planning different strategies for different communities.

 It helps to understand the heterogeneity of different social groups.

 None of the above

13. Which among the following are not true about culture?

 Culture represents identity and other social discrimination.

 People belonging to low cultural contexts are supposedly rational.

Cultural studies can be ignored as it does not impact the handling of customer


Becoming cross cultural means denying the dynamic aspect of culture.

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