1.An error was detected, post deployment of a version of a particular software. The error was successfully fixed by the concerned software developer, who now wants to test that the entire software is working correctly with the fix. The kind of testing that needs to be done for the same is
Functional testing.
System testing.
Integration testing.
Regression testing
2.State true of false: A coverage criterion C1 said to subsume another coverage criterion C2 if and only if all the test cases that are written to satisfy C1 also satisfy C2.
3.Consider the statements regarding testing given below.
(a) Testing can be used to find all the errors in code.
(b) Testing can be used to show that a piece of software is fully correct.
(c) Testing can be used to find real errors in code.
(d) The purpose of testing is not to show correctness of software but to show errors.
Which of the following is true about the above-given statements?
All the statements above are correct.
The first and second statements are correct.
The third and fourth statements are correct.
Only the fourth statement is correct.
4.Which of the following are practised in level 0 thinking during testing?
Quick testing is done to ensure that the software is working correctly for basic functionality.
Testing is done to systematically identify all possible faults.
Testing is done to show absence of errors.
It is mandatory to thoroughly test every piece of code and the integrated software completely, by everyone involved in the project.
5.A team has worked on a piece of software that has a user interface that clients used to interact with the system. The interface has been tested for its correctness and ease of use. Which kind of testing does this constitute?
System testing.
Usability testing.
Integration testing.
Functionality testing.
6.Which of the following is a list of black-box testing techniques?
Unit testing, performance testing.
Performance testing, stress testing.
Unit testing, integration testing.
Integration testing, performance testing.
7.State true or false: There are certain phases in the software development and testing life-cycle where both white-box and black-box testing techniques apply.
8.When do we say that a test case has passed upon execution?
The actual output is different from expected output.
The actual output is the same as the expected output.
The software produces an output successfully upon giving an input.
There is an explicit message that there is no error from the program.
9.Suppose we want to test a method M
using JUnit. The inputs to the concerned method M
are not the inputs to the code. Which of the following is true about testing the method M
using JUnit.
We can directly write test cases using the inputs of the method M
We have to write test fixtures using the pre-fix and post-fix methods available to reach
the method M and then write the test cases for M
10.What does the JUnit assertion assertFalse(x1 > x2) return when x1 is greater than x2?